Jeffrey W. Jackson

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company

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Recently by Jeffrey W. Jackson

Civil Justice

An Assessment Of CAFA And The Future Of Class Action Reform

Ross: I think we all know from experience and from simply reading the legal news that the class action mechanism and the world of litigation involving class actions are not balanced. So, LCJ has created a committee to start looking at that. Some of the discussion from the panel today comes out of...

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Civil Justice

Lawyers For Civil Justice (LCJ), Goals And Achievements

Gallivan: Please start the discussion by talking about why U.S. corporations need and support civil justice reform. Mason: For corporations conducting business in America, the soaring cost of litigation has become a heavy burden. Litigation costs are in fact so high that some American companies...

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Finance | Private Equity

What’s Keeping U.S. Corporate Counsel Up At Night?

The Editor attended the Lawyers for Civil Justice 2011 Membership Meeting on November 30, 2011 – December 2, 2011. The following report covers a roundtable discussion on regulatory and document preservation challenges, including some proposed solutions. The panelists were Edward P. O’...

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