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Board of Directors

The Society Of Corporate Secretaries And Governance Professionals: Proactive Advocacy And Dynamic Engagement

Editor: Please start our discussion with an overview of the Society’s activities and advocacy efforts this past year. Wagner: The Society was very active on a variety of fronts this past year, notably, our advocacy on Capitol Hill and with the SEC on matters such as Dodd-Frank and the...

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Board of Directors

Society Of Corporate Secretaries And Governance Professionals: Expanded And Complex Role For The Corporate Messenger

Editor: Please talk about the current role of a corporate secretary. What factors have affected its development in recent years? Bertsch: Two factors have changed the corporate secretary’s role: corporate governance has become a higher profile issue, and regulatory requirements are more...

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Board of Directors

Society Of Corporate Secretaries And Governance Professionals: A New Perspective On The Role Of Corporate Secretaries And Governance Professionals

Editor: Can you tell our readers something about your background? Bertsch: I have been involved in corporate governance for 30 years, working most of that time with investing and investor-oriented research organizations. I first spent 14 years with the Investor Responsibility Research Center (...

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Enlightened Corporate Governance: At The Center Of The Discussion Of The Corporate Secretary's Role

Editor: Mr. Mostyn, would you give our readers an overview of your responsibilities at Bank of America? Mostyn: I am the Deputy General Counsel and Corporate Secretary. I oversee several areas, including corporate governance. As the Secretary, I am charged with taking minutes of meetings of the...

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Corporate Governance At The Grass Roots

Editor: David, for the benefit of our readers who may not have seen our earlier interview with you, would you tell us something about the Society of Corporate Secretaries and Governance Professionals? Smith: The Society was started in 1946 by Reed Hartell, corporate secretary of a public...

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