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12 Practical Pointers to Protect In-House Privilege
Navigating attorney-client privilege is often more complicated for in-house counsel.
Read MoreThe Final Stage of E-Discovery: Presentation
Presenting evidence to judge and jury is the end goal of discovery. Appropriately, the final stage of the electronic discovery reference model (EDRM) is presentation.
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Seven Steps to Build a Highly Collaborative Team
Helen Geib, General Counsel and Practice Support Consultant with QDiscovery, provides seven tips for promoting higher functioning, collaborative teams that are more efficient and effective, and produce higher quality results.
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Data Mapping: From Recommendation to Reality
Much ink has been spilled on the requirements, burdens and benefits of the GDPR. Many commentators have offered helpful guidance for GDPR compliance. One thing everyone agrees on is a general recommendation to start with data mapping. The recommendation raises the question, what is a data...
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Departing Employees: When Do Investigations Become Necessary?
An interview with QDiscovery’s Yaniv Schiff and Curtis Collette. Their remarks have been edited for length and style. CCBJ: Tell us about the types of situations with departing employees that warrant investigations. Do you find this is more typical in certain industries, sectors or divisions...
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