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Regulating Hate Speech Qua Speech Is Not The Solution To The Epidemic Of Hate On The Internet - Part II

Part I of this article appeared in the August issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. The following article is adapted from a paper given at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Meeting on the Relationship Between Racist, Xenophobic and Anti-Semitic Propaganda on the...

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The Role Of Pro Bono In Junior Attorney Training And Development

The importance of pro bono work in our society is indisputable. There is a desperate need for legal services in underserved communities, and continued government cut-backs in financial support for legal services organizations only exacerbate the problem. The private bar has long had an obligation...

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NLRB Denies Non-Union Employees Representation During Investigatory Interviews

In a decision of major importance affecting all private sector non-union employers, the National Labor Relations Board has reconsidered whether unrepresented employees have the right to a coworker's presence during an investigatory interview and has concluded that they do not. IBM Corporation, 341...

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Regulating Hate Speech Qua Speech Is Not The Solution To The Epidemic Of Hate On The Internet - Part I

Part II of this article appears in the September 2004 issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel.The following article is adapted from a paper given at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Meeting on the Relationship Between Racist, Xenophobic and Anti-Semitic Propaganda on the...

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The Zone Of Insolvency - Uncharted Territory

Whether a company is insolvent or not can have significant implications, and raises a host of issues for a board of directors, management and their advisors to consider. For example, if a company is insolvent, or is in the "zone of insolvency," it is generally accepted that the fiduciary duty a...

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New European Law On "Works Councils" Demands Headquarters Strategy

A new European Union law coming on-line next year will force multinationals operating in Europe to set up in-house, shop-level worker groups that, to an American, look a lot like independent unions. The new law threatens to tie a multinational's hands whenever it decides, in the future, to change...

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Meeting Demands With Technology

Long gone are the days when clients were won over by a dinner and a handshake. Today's legal clients are looking for a law firm that has a solid technology infrastructure and knows how to use technology in order to guarantee excellent customer service. Luckily, advances in technologies are paving...

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