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Executive Compensation: A Practitioner Discusses §409A And Some Of The Other Current Issues

Editor: Mr. Marathas, I understand that you have joined Proskauer's Boston office recently. Would you share with us your thoughts on why Boston is such an important market for the firm's executive compensation and employee benefits practice? Marathas: Proskauer's executive compensation and...

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What Are The Limits Of Cyber-Bullying On The Internet?

Editor: As one of the leading experts on privacy and data security law, you have focused heavily on cyber-bullying and cyber-hate crimes on the Internet. Would you first describe your practice for our readers? Wolf: I've been involved with Internet legal issues essentially since the beginning of...

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The Starbucks Case: A Wakeup Call For Employers In The Hospitality Industry

Editor: Ms. Bloom, would you tell our readers something about your professional experience? Bloom: I have been practicing law since 1982. Since coming to New York in 1985, I have specialized in employment law and since 1990 my practice has grown to include defending against employment class action...

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A Wakeup Call For Corporate America And A Few Other Interested Parties

Editor: Would each of you gentlemen tell us about your professional background? Ganz: I joined Proskauer following a two-year judicial clerkship at the Southern District of New York, and I have been engaged in labor and employment work here ever since that time. Over the years my practice has...

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Regulation Of Non-U.S. Broker-Dealers Doing Business In The U.S. - Part II

This is the second of a two-part article. Part I, which appeared in the April issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel and can be seen on our website at, dealt with jurisdiction over non-U.S. broker-dealers and their registration and SROmembership. Net Capital And...

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Regulation Of Non-U.S. Broker-Dealers Doing Business In The U.S. - Part I

This is the first of a two-part article. Part II will appear in the May issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. Jurisdiction Over Non-U.S. Broker-Dealers. Just like U.S. securities dealers, non-U.S. dealers doing business in the United States are subject to regulation by the U.S....

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U.S. Supreme Court Rules Monetary Relief Is Available For Claim ERISA Fiduciary Breach Caused Losses To An Individual's 401(k) Plan Account

On February 20, 2008, in LaRue v. DeWolff, Boberg & Associates, Inc. , No. 06 Civ. 856, the U.S. Supreme Court concluded that a participant in a defined contribution pension plan may sue a fiduciary under Section 502(a)(2) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"), 29 U...

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