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Legal Operations

The Modern General Counsel: Legal Advisor and Strategic Business Partner

How can the modern General Counsel succeed? What are they doing to address these challenges to create the Legal 2.0 evolution to make smarter decisions, optimize operations, reduce costs, and manage risks? Find out by reading the CCBJ General Counsel 2.0 Survey Report.

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Portable Models in eDiscovery: Help or Hype?

Are portable models, the latest hype in eDiscovery machine learning techniques, worth considering over the continuous active learning technology-assisted review model?

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The Uber Files – Kill Switch Engaged

The Uber Files is a set of more than 124,000 files leaked to the Guardian, by an Uber insider. They have been the focus of a number of recent articles which have been published questioning the ethical nature of many of Uber’s activities.

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Data Privacy

The How, When, Where, What and Who of Dealing with Data Breaches

Data breaches—and the associated exfiltration of data– are a harsh reality of our digital world. Business savvy organizations take all available steps to protect sensitive and confidential information from exfiltration and misuse, but hackers are sophisticated and don’t give up easily.

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Antitrust & Competition

Responding to Second Requests – There’s a Better Way

In the name of the “unique nature” of a Second Request review, experienced practitioners often maintain that only traditional protocols will work, and unhesitatingly accept a production set that may be upwards of 50% nonresponsive.

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Support eDiscovery at scale to master modern work

Remote and hybrid work environments are here to stay and as corporate legal teams begin to reassess their needs in a post-pandemic environment, they are uniformly looking for ways to improve their prospects and transform their eDiscovery practices.

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Curbing Insider Threats Today Requires a Holistic Approach

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. It’s important to exercise sound cybersecurity best practices to protect your organization’s sensitive and valuable information against outside hackers and cybercriminals that are always identifying new ways to get to your data.

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