Jerome Coleman

Nixon Peabody LLP

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Recently by Jerome Coleman

A Labor And Employment Law Practitioner Takes A Thoughtful Look At China's New Workplace Laws

Editor: On October 13 The New York Times carried a front-page story about China's attempt to adopt laws to crack down on sweatshop operations and to protect the rights of workers by giving labor unions real power for the first time since turning to market forces a quarter of a century ago. You are...

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A Labor And Employment Litigator Addresses The Tough Issues

Editor: Mr. Coleman, would you tell our readers something about your background and professional experience? Coleman: I grew up in Washington, DC and spread my wings by going to Princeton and eventually New York City. I was the educational and geographic exception in my family since everyone...

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Turning The Spotlight On The Disloyal Employee

On June 28, Philip Berkowitz and Jerome Coleman, labor and employment law partners at Nixon Peabody LLP, introduced another excellent Nixon Peabody CLE program - this one entitled The Disloyal Employee, Non-Competes and Damages: An Advanced Course. Mr. Coleman began with an appropriate quote from...

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