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Cybersecurity One Step at a Time: The important thing for lawyers is not to get overwhelmed by the complexity

Corporate counsel and their clients, while beginning to appreciate the gravity of cybersecurity challenges, are fatigued by perpetual cybersecurity alarms. McGuireWoods partner Michael J. Adams, who had more than 20 years of experience as a national security adviser in the U.S. Navy, now serves as...

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Hot Topics Facing the Food and Beverage Industry: A smorgasbord of questions looms

Even before last year’s election, there were some large uncertainties hovering over the future of the food and beverage industry. As it has in so many areas, the surprise election results simultaneously expanded and sharpened the questions. MCC asked four McGuireWoods lawyers with special...

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Up in the Air: Where will FCPA enforcement go from here?

“We tax and regulate and restrict our companies to death … it is time to declare our economic independence once again.”  Through campaign-trail comments like that, President Donald Trump announced his desire to reduce regulatory burdens on U.S. businesses. His pro-business...

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Energy | Renewable Energy

Are Government-Incentivized Renewable Energy Programs Hanging In The Breeze?

Climate change concerns drove a populist push to expand the use of renewables in the energy sector, and governments worldwide have largely incentivized the industry’s expansion in recent years. The question is, would the loss of tax incentives take the wind out of the renewable energy...

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Board of Directors

The “Do Something” Approach to Corporate Misconduct: Is law enforcement shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted?

The past eight years since the global financial crisis have seen law enforcement in most jurisdictions trying to “do something” about the misconduct that got us all into such an economic mess. The bankers have been blamed by media, politicians and the public. There have been attempts to...

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An Exciting Tax Year Appears Imminent: Proposals suggest major legislative action, but much remains unclear

Introduction: President-elect Donald Trump has indicated that one of his priorities is comprehensive tax reform and lower individual and business tax rates. Leaders of the Republican-controlled Congress have expressed similar views. Accordingly, comprehensive tax reform in 2017 is a real...

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Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Can FTC Call Cybersecurity As It Sees It?: LabMD appeal could lead to clearer guidance for healthcare and other businesses

Introduction: As the LabMD appeal suggests, the Federal Trade Commission may be making it up as it goes along when it comes to what it considers reasonable cybersecurity practices. That could change depending on a pending federal appellate ruling. McGuireWoods partner Nathan Kottkamp, who...

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