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White Collar Defense And The Death (For Now) Of Sentencing Guidelines

On January 12, 2005, the Supreme Court in United States v. Booker, 125 S.Ct. 738, 2005 U.S. LEXIS 628 (2005) announced that the Federal Sentencing Guidelines would no longer require judges to impose sentences within a narrow range as had been the case for the last 20 years. Rather, the guidelines...

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Atlanta And The Southeast - Law Firms Working To Make Atlanta An Even Better Place

Editor: Mr. Manning, would you tell our readers something about your career? Manning: I began my career at Chadbourne & Parke in New York after Columbia Law School. After several years of transactional work, I shifted to litigation. I immediately participated in the defense of the outside...

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Business Meets Science In Jones Day's Global Life Sciences Group

Editor: Dr. Coruzzi, would you give our readers something of your professional background? Coruzzi: I have a Ph.D in biology, with a specialty in cell biology. In the early 80s I was a postdoctorial fellow at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. While I was on an academic track at the time, I thought...

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Current Developments In Project Finance

Editor: Mr. Haddad, would you begin by describing for us the scope of Jones Day's Global Projects practice? Haddad: Jones Day ranks as one of the leading project finance firms in published surveys. Our Global Projects group engages in a variety of energy and infrastructure projects. As the...

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Jones Day Deploys Global One-Stop Intellectual Property Practice

Editor: Ms. Gillis, would you review for us the growth of Jones Day's IP practice and give us a profile of its capabilities today? Gillis: When I came to Jones Day 15 years ago, the firm was clearly an IP leader in quality, but some boutiques boasted greater size. What was really unique about...

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Changes In Competition Enforcement On The Global Stage

Editor: International prosecutions of price-fixing cartels seems to be the dominant theme of antitrust litigation lately. What explains this emphasis? Majoras: There are three primary reasons. First, price-fixing regulations are spreading rapidly throughout the world, especially in regions of...

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Antitrust Compliance 101: The Bugle Sounds For Corporate Counsel

Editor: What do in-house counsel need to be aware of with respect to antitrust compliance programs and issues? Fenton: Two recent developments affecting antitrust compliance merit particular attention from in-house counsel, particularly if it has been a while since your company reviewed and...

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