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Big Data Yields Big Results: Marshal the facts, tell a compelling story, and build a winning case

Businesses are required to analyze and preserve more and more data as litigation unfolds. Longtime legal technology specialists Charles Platt and Donald W. Myers are in the trenches with hundreds of millions of data points across multiple systems and networks. Here they explain how big data is...

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

EU - U.S. Privacy Shield and the GDPR: The new rules of engagement for transatlantic data transfers

Thomas Matzen of iDiscovery Solutions brings over 15 years of experience in e-discovery and project management for both domestic and international matters. Matzen has managed over 100 e-discovery engagements, including several high-profile and complex cases. His experience includes, but is not...

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FRCP Amendments: The Early Returns Courts show signs of heeding the call for early and active management

In their mutual e-discovery capacities, Jennifer A. Brennan of iDiscovery Solutions and Wendy Butler Curtis of Orrick align their clients’ litigation goals with their discovery obligations. Their roles give Brennan and Curtis a front-row seat to the early impact of the changes to the federal...

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Department of Justice (DOJ)

Updated - The FBI’s Battle with Apple over the San Bernardino iPhone: The agency’s request from the technology giant could have long-reaching implications

Updated on March 4, 2016 Since this interview there have been four new significant events.  First, Apple filed it’s opposition brief to the FBI’s motion to compel and the Court’s issuance of the All Writs Act (“AWA”) order requiring Apple to assist in the...

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Data Breach & Incident Response: Assess the cybersecurity priorities keeping you up at night

Businesses are generating and storing great volumes of data using numerous platforms: desktops, laptops, servers, cloud servers, archiving appliances, external storage devices, websites and more. Charlie Platt explains how iDiscovery Solutions advises clients from both the prevent and protect side...

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Civil Rules Roundtable: The Real Problem is Technology

The rules on proportionality have not changed much in terms of actual language. So why is there so much focus on proportionality now and how do the Duke Guidelines contribute to the discussion? The most recent round of amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure were made in an attempt to...

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Proportionality, FRCP Changes and the Perspective of a Litigation Technologist

When it comes to the newly enacted changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Daniel L. Regard, a programmer and attorney by training and a nationally recognized electronic evidence and case management expert by trade, has a unique perspective. Below he talks about the new rules, the focus on...

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