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Carpe Abramoff! The Example Of Jack - The End Of The Hypothetical - An Opportunity For Action

Just like the mothers of the 1960s praying that they could find one example of a child with rickets or scurvy (i.e., "This is what will happen to you if you don't eat your broccoli."), we, the lawyers tasked with or accountable for compliance and risk management, wandered around inventing sometimes...

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New Standards And Practices For Conducting Environmental Due Diligence

"No fault" liability for both current and former property owners, and others, of properties impacted by hazardous substances is the purpose of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), also known as Superfund. The Environmental Protection Agency's new "All...

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Using A Diversity Assessment To Fuel And Guide Diversity Training And Other Lessons Learned

Diversity, inclusiveness and collegiality are core values and a source of pride at Holland & Knight LLP. Attracting, retaining and promoting diverse lawyers and staff are part of the firm's Strategic Vision. Like other successful businesses, we know that diversity makes us a better and stronger...

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Taming The Business Succession Tiger: The Role Of In-House Counsel

The in-house counsel for a family-held business must play a daunting number of roles. In addition to mastering many legal disciplines, including real estate, litigation, employee benefits, labor and estate planning, counsel also must be a consigliore, a psychotherapist and a business consultant....

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Drafting And Enforcing Noncompetes: What Employers Need To Know

Do you know what to do when your top salesperson is leaving to join forces with your top competitor? Or maybe it is your principal engineer or a high level executive. All that time, training and money. Your investment in that employee is lost. Worse, by joining a competitor the employee now...

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IT System Integration Contracts - Avoiding Statistically Near Certain Failure

Today's businesses are totally reliant on a firm's information technology and management systems. Indeed, with the evolution of e-commerce, many businesses conduct most or all of their business operations through an integrated systems environment. Delay in implementation, upgrade or failure of...

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Pro Bono - Law Firms Mayan Struggle For Accountability Compels Holland & Knight To Put Business Negotiation Skills To Work For Villages In Guatemala

In May 2005, Holland & Knight was retained by COCAHICH, a coordinating committee of 23 Mayan communities in Guatemala that were severely impacted by the construction of the Chixoy Hydroelectric dam in the early 1980s. The fact that COCAHICH is a pro bono client of the firm is irrelevant to the...

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