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New Impediments For U.S. Immigration?

Editor: Your practice is almost totally focused on the corporate temporary immigrant laws, the H-1B status, and similar provisions. Patrick: It is correct that we have extensive experience with temporary employment-based visas, but many of our clients also wish to retain the talent permanently....

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What's The Point?

The UK's new points-based immigration system, which will come into force in 2008, is aimed at simplifying the immigration process - but will it? The Home Office have gradually released more information relating to the new Points Based System ("PBS") for immigrants that will come into force...

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Immigration Compliance: What's At Stake?

Though a host of immigration issues existed in the United States and abroad well before September 11, 2001, the terrorist attacks brought into alarmingly sharp focus an almost urgent need to know just who is within a country's borders, how they got there - and why. At the same time, an increasingly...

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Immigration Reform: A Wake-Up Call

When Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates testified before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions at the beginning of March during a series of hearings discussing the state of American competitiveness, the visionary behind the world's foremost technology company sounded a grave...

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Diversity Comes Naturally To Fragomen

In a time when law firms of all sizes and scope are making concerted efforts to improve and encourage diversity among their ranks - some going as far as to launch specific diversity initiatives - Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy stands well apart from the crowd. The founding partners of this...

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Global Immigration Law: An Update On Compliance For Employment Counsel

Editor: How has passage of Sarbanes-Oxley increased the need for corporations to ensure that they comply with immigration laws in the U.S. and abroad? Fragomen: Sarbanes-Oxley has caused the corporate legal departments of companies to become much more involved in overseeing the immigration...

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Project: Homeland Security - Law Firms New Immigration Challenges: Government Tracking Of Foreign Employees

In the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the U.S. government placed renewed emphasis on initiatives to monitor the arrival and departure of foreign visitors to the United States. Though these monitoring programs had long been contemplated, Congress's enactment of the USA PATRIOT...

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