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Corporate Counsel

Big Data Law And Hybrid Analytics In The Second Machine Age

In reading Erik Brynjolfsson’s and Andrew McAfee’s new book about the coming of The Second Machine Age (Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies), I couldn’t help but think about how the legal industry and e-discovery are already being positively...

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How Corporate Counsel Deal With E-Discovery

Editor: Michael, you have been working in the e-discovery area since its inception back in the '90s and in the legal technology area since the late '70s. You have been a partner in a professional services company and have founded two successful e-discovery companies. You have seen a lot...

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Search Strategy Advice From A Top E-Discovery Counsel

At Evidence Exchange we aim to provide helpful guidance to our clients regarding complex litigation technology and discovery strategy management issues. One of the keys to successful discovery in complex cases is knowing how and when to deploy the appropriate search tools. Lawyers need to select...

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E-Discovery Technology And Attorney Review: A Defensible Strategy

Moderator: Why do we invest time and money in document review?  Svoboda: In a recent news article, a legal industry reporter described discovery as “the nettlesome aspect of litigation.” The reporter went on to describe the lawyer’s work as “sleuthing” and...

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Assessing The Risk And Setting Strategy - The True North Of Document Review: Part II, A Judicial Perspective

In the first installment of this multi-part roundtable, we used a compass analogy to help explain our theme. We said that, along with a good map, a compass can be used to find your way along an unfamiliar path. For litigators, a large-scale document review is a journey of unknowns. Our...

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Assessing The Risk And Setting Strategy - The True North Of Document Review

Introduction Most people know that a compass points north, which is useful if you want to go north. It takes a while to learn that the compass is only really useful if you use it as you enter the forest and when it is used along with a good topographic map. Once you are lost, taking out a...

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Reuniting Scattered Documents For More Efficient Review: An Evidence Exchange Case Study

Common problems aren't necessarily easy to solve. One of the oldest, most basic - and still pervasive - problems when working with electronically stored information (ESI) in legal disputes is organizing these materials in a way that they can be efficiently analyzed by a reviewing legal team. This...

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