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The Devil Is In The General! An Overview Of Recent Developments In EU Trade Law

Introduction For a subject that is as intensely practical as trade law, it never ceases to amaze me how the global and general nature of the subject often completely submerges the highly practical and commercially critical aspects of a given development or decision. This failing might best be...

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Email Screening: Compliance With European Regulations

In an environment where we are ever more dependent upon the Internet and email for communication, the existence of a destructive email virus or the proliferation of Spam can bring businesses to their knees and cause misery to users. Subscribers to email and Internet services are increasingly...

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Mediation Around The World In The 21st Century: A Personal Journey

Many articles have been written about mediation (and this short article makes the assumption that "conciliation" is covered by the term "mediation"), but many practitioners, academics and theorists write about mediation in the abstract without sometimes having regard to the universality of...

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Corporate Compliance: Big Solutions for Big Issues

During the last few years, there have been quite a few articles written on the subject of "corporate compliance." In doing part of my research for this one, I also did a quick search on Google and it came up with 128 million hits, in 0.18 seconds! Needless to say, no one has time to read all that...

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Partnering In A Flat World

Editor: Why the title, "Partnering in a Flat World"? Smith: The reason is that the firm's and my experience of partnering derived from our appointment eight years ago as the first non-U.S. law firm to be a part of the DuPont Legal Model. I watched with interest as to how the wind has blown from...

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EU REACH Chemicals Proposal: Challenges For American General Counsel

What Is This All About? Proposed European Union (EU) legislation aimed at overhauling the way chemical substances are regulated, popularly known as REACH, is expected to become law at the end of this year.1 REACH will entail a complete reversal of responsibility for the risk assessment process...

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Diversity And Eversheds

At Eversheds we are used to diversity and virtually live it and practice it every day. We are one of the largest law firms in the world (with more than 2,000 lawyers and more than 4,500 in staff overall). We have 28 offices worldwide, including offices in Doha (Qatar) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)....

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