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The Credit Crisis, Subprime, CDO Managers And Conflicts Of Interest

Editor: Please tell our readers about your work in the Eversheds subprime initiative. Allen: I am leading the Eversheds LLP team which draws on lawyers from our banking, restructuring and dispute management groups. Since the middle of last year we have been engaged in wide ranging discussions...

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Predicting The Unpredictable: Improving Outside Counsel Services And Controlling Costs

Editor: We traditionally think of mergers and acquisitions as an area where it's very difficult to predict or control the process and expense. Is Eversheds suggesting an alternative view? Halpin: Yes. We have designed an approach to corporate transactions used throughout Eversheds globally,...

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The Legal Landscape Of The Future - An International Perspective

Editor:First, please tell our readers a little more about Eversheds. Hughes: Eversheds LLP is one of the largest international law firms, providing legal services to the business and finance community and across a wide range of industries both in the private and public sector....

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The Introduction Of Energy Performance Certificates For Commercial Buildings In England And Wales

Synopsis From April 2008, it will become necessary for property owners in England and Wales to obtain an Energy Performance Certificate before marketing larger commercial buildings for sale or lease, and the obligation will apply to all commercial buildings from October 2008. The initial...

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The Impact Of European Intellectual Property Law Developments On The U.S. Biotechnology And Pharmaceutical Industry

This time last year, in the face of concerns about the effectiveness of the EU as a marketplace for innovation, we reported on the recommendations of the UK government contained in the Gowers Review of Intellectual Property and how foreseen changes were anticipated to impact on U.S. businesses...

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Diversity And Eversheds: Don't Let It Get Too Technical

Diversity In Europe:A Brief Background "Diversity" in the workplace is often treated as an elusive, complex and mysterious, even "delicate," subject matter.I have seen an interesting chart which depicts diversity in the form of a floating iceberg, with some of the most apparent of the diverse...

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International Compliance Awareness - Current Compliance Issues In The UK

As organisations set their global compliance agenda for 2008, key messages around, for example, adherence to corporate codes of conduct, anti-bribery and data privacy remain a focal point. In the UK a number of shifts are taking place that will shape the way in which organisational leaders and...

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