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Feedback From The Predictive Coding Trenches At LegalTech® 2013: Moving From “Is It Defensible?” To “What Are Best Practices?” In 12 Months

Editor: Please provide us with a brief definition of “predictive coding” for those who may not be familiar with it. Groom: “Predictive coding” is a technology-assisted review workflow that efficiently ranks documents in terms of relevance. A subject-matter expert (SME)...

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Top Ten Best Practices In Predictive Coding

Predictive coding is new to e-discovery. Predictive coding, sometimes termed computer-assisted review or technology-assisted review, is software that can be trained by a human being to distinguish between relevant and non-relevant documents. Over the past three years, the predictive coding market...

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Panel Discussion: Judge Peck, Da Silva Moore And The Outlook For Predictive Coding

On February 24, in the first decision of its kind, Monique Da Silva Moore, et al. v. Publicis Groupe and MSL Group (Opinion), Magistrate Judge Andrew Peck of the Southern District of New York explicitly approved the use of predictive coding in electronic discovery. Judge Peck stated...

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Predictive Coding Gaining Acceptance As A Defensible eDiscovery Tool

Editor: Please provide our readers with some background on yourself and Equivio. Sharp: I learned the software business at Amdocs, the global telecom billing giant, where I served as vice president of product marketing. By the time I left Amdocs to found Equivio, the company had grown from 400...

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The Processing Mountain Was Blocking The View - New Mountains To Climb In E-Discovery

Editor: Over the past five years, an onslaught of e-discovery systems has hit the market. But e-discovery costs remain high. Have these systems failed to deliver on promise? Sharp: I think that the last few years have seen a dramatic transformation in e-discovery. E-discovery has become a way...

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Roundtable: E-Discovery - Technology Continues To Change

Editor: In your experience, what have been the principal attributes clients are seeking in an e-discovery provider? Robman: Our clients include some of the world's largest enterprises, law firms and government agencies, all of which face tightening regulations and increased exposure to litigation...

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Roundtable: E-Discovery - An Ever-Improving, Revolutionary Development

Editor: Has the increased accuracy and efficiency of e-discovery software significantly reduced its costs as well as attorney costs in ferreting out significant documents? Sharp: Technology is now available to identify significant documents. This is a sea change in the industry. The first...

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