Discovery Services LLC

Articles & Interviews


Cloud Computing And Social Media: Electronic Discovery Considerations And Best Practices

Introduction Social media platforms, including applications like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, are immensely popular. According to one source, 75 percent of people aged 18 to 24 have profiles on social networking sites like Facebook, while one-third of people aged 35 to 44, and nearly twenty...

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The View From An Innovator In E-Discovery And Document Review

Editor: Please give our readers an overview of your career and background. Prasad: I am the founder and CEO of Discovery Services LLC, which is a managed document review, contract attorney staffing and electronic discovery company. Prior to founding the company in 2008, I was litigation...

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Myths, Realities And Strategies Of Fixed Fees - Part II: Strategies

In Part I of this article, I identified some popular misconceptions about fee arrangements, and cautioned that clients and law firms must be cautious in implementing any fee arrangement, whether hourly rates or fixed fees. Here in Part II, I outline an approach to weighing the pros and cons of...

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