Articles & Interviews

Diversity & Inclusion

Where Diversity Is The Backbone Of The Firm: A Diverse Organization Is A More Effective Organization

Editor: Please tell us about your current practice and your role on the firm’s Diversity Committee. Mobley: Having become aware of the firm’s excellent State Attorneys General Practice, I joined Dickstein Shapiro in 2008 at the suggestion of Bernard Nash, who leads that practice....

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Stacey Mobley: MCCA's KAN-DO! Mentoring Program

Editor's Note: Stacey Mobley had a noteworthy career at E.I. du Pont de Nemours (DuPont), which he joined in 1972 as the company's first African-American lawyer. He retired as senior vice president, chief administrative officer, general counsel, and a member of the office of the chief executive on...

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Benefits Of The SAFETY Act

The Support Anti-Terrorism By Fostering Effective Technology Act of 2002 (the "SAFETY Act") provides tort reform protections for sellers of products or services that can be used to detect, identify, defend against or respond to acts of terrorism. The SAFETY Act was drafted in part to respond to...

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