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EU Harmonization - But At What Cost To The Pharmaceutical Industry?

May 1, 2004 marked the deadline for implementing new clinical trial rules across the 25 member states of the European Union. As member states begin to introduce legislation and guidelines to comply with the Clinical Trial Directive of the European Commission, concerns over their far reaching impact...

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Web-Tracking Data: An Underutilized Legal Resource

Having a presence on the World Wide Web used to be a simple matter. Companies would promote themselves and their products on webpages and hope that enough consumers would show enough interest at least to justify the cost of the website. As the Internet evolved into a vast commercial enterprise,...

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Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): Helping Individuals And Employees Save For Qualified Medical And Retiree Health Expenses

On December 8, 2003, President Bush signed into law the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (the "Medicare Modernization Act").1 Among its more notable provisions is the creation of a new tax-free savings vehicle aimed at assisting individuals and employees in...

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Pitney Hardin LLP: The Battered Women's Legal Advocacy Project

Pitney Hardin LLP, located in Florham Park, New Jersey, has been the leading force behind one of the most unique pro bono publico programs in the country for the past 12 years. The Battered Women's Legal Advocacy Project ("BWLAP") is a program that was organized, and has been administered, by...

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What's The Diehl? Third Circuit Rules Evidence Of Subsequent Remedial Measures Admissible

Evidence of subsequent remedial measures has historically been inadmissible to show negligence, culpable conduct or a defect in a product. The policy for the rule is clear: admitting such evidence will dissuade parties from making the improvements in the first place if those changes will later be...

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Book Review: Representing The Public Company - A Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Governance Paradigm For In-House Lawyers And Outside Counsel

Reviewed by John L. Howard"Where were the lawyers?" - this phrase, both an indictment and a lament, is at the heart of the Sarbanes-Oxley Section 307 mandate for greater accountability by lawyers representing public companies. A more vexing, but ultimately more appropriate question is: Where should...

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The "Inequitable Conduct" Defense In Patent Law

In the context of patent infringement suits, the phrase "inequitable conduct" describes a doctrine normally pled as an affirmative defense to allegations of infringement. This doctrine allows the federal courts to review the ex parte conduct of applicants for patents before the United States Patent...

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