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Behavioral Advertising - An Advertiser's Dream Or A Privacy Nightmare?

Imagine a bald gentleman walks into a department store, and the clerk at the counter asks him if he is interested in buying a hair dryer. This scenario sounds farfetched. A typical department store clerk would notice that the customer had certain characteristics and would seek to offer the...

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Virtual Property - Business Models And Pitfalls

I. Big Picture In the last several years, online games and communities have experienced exponential growth. A number of these worlds such as EverQuest, Second Life and World of Warcraft are self-contained persistent worlds where consumers spend many hours a week. Traditionally, the main...

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Reining In Attorneys' Fees In FLSA Collective Actions: Factors Emphasized By Courts In Scrutinizing Fee Applications

Much publicity has been generated by the proliferation of wage and hour collective actions under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which in recent years have come to represent a rapidly increasing proportion of all class actions filed in the federal courts. A typical FLSA collective action...

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Is The Design Piracy Protection Act A Step Forward For Copyright Law Or Is It Destined To Fall Apart At The Seams?

Fashion has permeated nearly every medium of American culture, including television , with programs such as "Project Runway" and "What Not to Wear;" movies , such as "The Devil Wears Prada;" magazines , including "Vogue," "Glamour" and "Elle;" art , such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art's...

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Critical Issues In Structuring Shareholders Agreements Of Closely Held Companies

In many instances the relationship among shareholders of closely held companies draws comparisons to that of a marriage, and as you might expect, the agreement that governs certain aspects of that relationship similarly draws comparisons to that of a prenuptial agreement. In essence, a well-...

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Know Your Rights: Recent Developments In Employment Law Have Far-Reaching Impact

Over the last several months, there have been several important employment law developments. The following are general summaries of some of these developments. Readers are advised to contact employment counsel for a more comprehensive review of the topics discussed below. New I-9 Form Required...

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"Professional Lawyers. Do Not Attempt."

We are all familiar with the often used disclaimers "Professional driver. Closed course. Do not attempt." or "Don't try this at home" to the point where they have become pop culture clichés. These disclaimers and others like them frequently appear in advertisements as a way of discouraging viewers...

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