Mark Poag

Datacert, Inc.

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Recently by Mark Poag

Utilizing A Technology Platform For Better Litigation Cost Management

No matter the geographical location, industry represented, or organization size, litigation numbers have steadily increased over the past few years in terms of exposure and settlements. According to " Fulbright's 7th Annual Litigation Trends Survey Report," the most drastic...

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Roundtable: Technology Solutions - A Vital Choice

Editor: What are the major factors to consider in selecting technology solutions, from legal point applications to integrated platforms? Poag: Selecting the best legal technology system can be grueling. Many solutions appear to provide the same capabilities, but there are key differences. Knowing...

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Strategic Legal Process Management - Technology Platforms Offer Unprecedented Benefits

Editor: I know Datacert recently made a product announcement. Can you tell me about that? Poag: Sure. In September we formally unveiled Passport, our new patent-pending technology platform for the legal industry. This announcement represents a huge strategic move for Datacert. While our legal...

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