Steve d'Alencon

CaseCentral, Inc.

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Recently by Steve d'Alencon


Solving eDiscovery Challenges In 2012: A New Year’s Resolution

Editor: eDiscovery reforms are a topic of great interest. What is your perspective on potential reforms and the benefits of those reforms? d’Alencon: A New Year brings with it New Year’s resolutions, and for 2012 eDiscovery reform is high on almost everyone’s list. There are a...

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Top Five eDiscovery Predictions For 2012

The one constant in the electronic discovery (eDiscovery) market is change. A primary driver of this change is technology, which, paradoxically, represents both the cause and the remedy. Changes in technology present some interesting implications for the eDiscovery and governance, risk and...

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CaseCentral's Case In Point Cartoon Celebrates Third Anniversary At ACC Annual Meeting

Editor: I understand you have some exciting news to share at the upcoming ACC Annual Meeting. d'Alencon: I am delighted to announce that our weekly eDiscovery industry cartoon, Case in Point, is turning three and will celebrate its third anniversary at the ACC Annual Meeting in Denver!...

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eDiscovery As A Strategic Business Process

Editor: The last time we spoke, you discussed the convergence of eDiscovery and Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC), as well as the demise of processing as we know it. We are now about to enter the fourth quarter of 2011. What trends are moving the market right now? d'Alencon : The...

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The Demise Of Processing As We Know It

Editor: The last time we spoke, you discussed how companies were incorporating eDiscovery into their Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) strategies. Do you have any bold predictions for eDiscovery trends building on those comments? d'Alencon: Looking ahead, I would say one of the bigger trends...

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