All Announcements

ALF Urges Supreme Court To Uphold Parents' Rights

Question Presented: Do parents have standing to challenge a public school district's "gender identity transition policy" that keeps them in the dark about the "Gender Support Plan" that school staff has developed for transitioning their child?

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ALF Urges Supreme Court To Apply Federal Evidence Rule 702 To Securities Fraud Complaints

Question Presented: Whether reliance on an expert opinion can satisfy the heightened pleading requirements for a private securities fraud suit.

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ALF Urges Enforcement of Electronic Ticket Arbitration Agreements

Whether the arbitration provisions in the Terms & Conditions accompanying the purchase of electronic tickets are enforceable against all persons who use the tickets to gain admission to sports, entertainment, or other types of events.

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ALF & DRI Urge Supreme Court To Limit Civil RICO's Scope

Question Presented: Whether economic harms resulting from personal injuries are encompassed by civil RICO.

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ALF Argues That SEC In-House Court Lacks Due Process

ALF Argues That SEC In-House Enforcement Proceedings Deprive Defendants of Due Process — Whether SEC In-House Administrative Enforcement Proceedings are Constitutional?

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ALF Brief Opposes Exclusion of Industry Scientists From Key EPA Advisory Committee

The Atlantic Legal Foundation, which long has advocated for sound science in judicial and regulatory proceedings, has filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit arguing that EPA's deliberate exclusion of all industry-affiliated scientists from the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee ("CASAC") violates the Federal Advisory Committee Act ("FACA").

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ALF EVP/GC Larry Ebner Appointed Chair of DRI Center for Law and Public Policy

Atlantic Legal Foundation (ALF) Executive Vice President & General Counsel Larry Ebner has been appointed Chair of the DRI Center for Law and Public Policy. DRI is the nation's largest voluntary bar association for civil litigation attorneys who defend the interests of business in trial and appellate courts.

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