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ACC and Dubai Join Forces on Anticorruption Program

There is no doubt that 2016 was a record-setting year in the history of the enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The nearly $2.5 billion in settlements that companies paid to resolve FCPA cases dwarfs the previous year’s figure of $133 million. However, nearly absent from the...

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Fighting Corruption Should Be a Government, Corporate and Global Effort: More emphasis should be placed on incentivizing compliance

Last year was the biggest enforcement year for Foreign Corrupt Practices Act cases handled by the fraud section of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Criminal Division. The year also illustrated an unprecedented level of multijurisdictional deferred prosecution agreements involving not only the...

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Corporate Counsel

ACC Global Chair Pursues Global Priorities: In-house group seeks cross-border perspective on legal issues

The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) recently elected a global board of directors, with Iohann Le Frapper, general counsel of industrial financing firm ChetWode, named chair. Le Frapper is a truly global in-house professional with stints in the EU, the Middle East and Asia across multiple...

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Corporate Counsel

An On-Ramp to the C-Suite: A joint initiative aims to return motivated female lawyers to corporate counsel roles nationwide

Introduction: At the entry level, men and women join the legal profession at the same rates, yet by the time they reach leadership roles, less than 20 percent of partners are women. Corporate legal departments suffer the same disparity. This leaky pipeline is partially due to women’s choice...

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Legal Operations

Breaking Habits, Optimizing Relationships: ACC goes inside 7-Eleven's firm convergence program

ACC is pleased to welcome the 7-Eleven Convergence Committee (General Counsel Rankin Gasaway, Deputy General Counsel Lillian Kirstein, Senior Counsel David Colletti, and Senior Counsel Kristen Cook) to this Value Practice blog series. This six-part series will highlight 7-Eleven's design and...

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Board of Directors

Advancing ACC’s Global Vision And The Interests Of The In-House Bar

Editor: As the newly arrived vice president and chief communications officer at ACC, please tell our readers about your previous career. McAlpin: I officially started my career at ABC News in Philadelphia. I first worked in their public affairs department as an intern and then switched to the...

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Corporate Counsel

Best Practices And Lessons Learned From ACC's 2012 Value Champions

Richardson: Let’s start with a question for Dennis Lynch. Dennis, with a radical convergence model that continues to deliver results, Tyco and Shook Hardy have cut product liability cases in half, new case files by 65 percent and case cycle time by 40 percent since 2004. That’s a...

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