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Insurers Face Monumental Cybersecurity Challenges: Hackers enticed by troves of highly sensitive personal info

Alice Kane, senior counsel at Clifford Chance in New York, advises property and casualty, life, and health insurance clients. She sat down with our editors to discuss cybersecurity in the insurance and financial services industry, including the NYDFS Cybersecurity Requirements for...

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Insurance | InsurTech

InsurTech Innovators Roil Staid Sector: Regulators work overtime to keep pace with transformative changes

Shawn Hanson and Nick Gregory are attorneys in the San Francisco office of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP. Their practices both focus on insurance, and for a sector not widely known as an innovation hotbed, there is a tremendous amount going on in what is called InsurTech. Since 2011,...

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