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Gaming | Hospitality | Technology

Increase the Odds of Licensing Success: Leveraging a brand in the gaming industry can be a lucrative bet with proper controls in place

The value of intellectual property in the marketplace is ever expanding, and when you consider licensing, that value could have a very precise dollar figure attached. Licensing arrangements can provide corporations with a handsome additional revenue stream, one outside of their core business, and...

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Gaming | Hospitality

The Right to Settle: Protecting the right to control your case

Every year, hotels are subject to a host of lawsuits, both valid and meritless, from guests who claim to have suffered an on-premises injury. The defense of such cases can be extremely expensive, and most hotels accordingly purchase commercial general liability (CGL) insurance so that if they are...

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Gaming | Hospitality

Are We There Yet?: The road ahead for the hospitality industry and what it means

“Are we there yet?” Let’s face it, we’ve all heard that before on our way to that resort or hotel for our family vacation ― whether we asked it as children or listened as our own kids pleaded for an answer to the same question. But for those of us in the hotel business it...

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