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Buyer Beware: Important “Supply” Issues For Life Science Companies

Very often, a biotech or other life sciences company will need to purchase materials or products from a third party vendor. This arrangement could be in connection with the company’s clinical testing/R&D or in connection with the company’s commercial supply of its product. In any...

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POM Wonderful – Where Are We Now?

In January 2013, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued its much-anticipated ruling against POM Wonderful (POM), unanimously upholding Administrative Law Judge Michael Chappell’s May 2012 decision that POM lacked adequate substantiation for advertising claims that its products could...

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Reimbursement, Compliance And Other Challenges For Providers In Healthcare

Editor: Please tell us about your practice areas. Bavolack: I function as Marcum’s National Healthcare Practice leader, and my background includes over 20 years of experience in healthcare finance, operations and reimbursement. Marcum’s clients represent a cross-section of the...

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