Career Development

The Music Man – Dan Binstock, A Partner With Garrison & Sisson, Legal Recruiter, Lawyer & Musician with Host Richard Levick of LEVICK

Washington, D.C.-based legal recruiter and lawyer Dan Binstock, a partner with Garrison & Sisson, joins host Richard Levick of LEVICK to discuss the lateral market and to share some wonderful music. Dan cannot read music but has been playing the piano since the age of five. He has synesthesia, which means that when he hears a sound or a musical note, he gets a visual representation in his mind of a color and texture of the sound, and, as a result, can instantly play the music he has just heard. Since the pandemic, videos of him playing by ear have been viewed over 40 million times on TikTok. A delightful show that will have you singing along, choking up and leaning in.


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