Kelley Drye Plans SeminarOn Government Contracting Firms

The firm of Kelley Drye & Warren LLP this month has scheduled a CLE seminar titled Buying and Selling Government Contracting Companies.

The program will take place on Wednesday, October 13 from 8 to 10 a.m. at the McLean Hilton, McLean, VA.

Speakers will offer a board-level discussion of the unique landscape that enterprise executives encounter on the road to completing a successful transaction. The focus will be on recent real-world experiences and the perspectives of industry leaders who are currently involved in a number of transactions involving government contractors.

The speakers will be Joseph Hoffman, Kelley Drye; Mark C. Fuller, Chesapeake Partners, Inc.; Todd W. Rowley, Wachovia Corporation, and Steven Ritterbush, Fairfax Partners, Inc.

For registration information, call Andrea Essex at (703) 918-2329 or visit www.