Michael Sippitt

Clarkslegal LLP

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Recently by Michael Sippitt

UK - Law Firms The UK Labor Environment: A Few Cautions - But Many Attractions For Investors

Editor: Do you see a commonality of purpose between U.S. laws regarding age and sex discrimination, persons with disabilities, etc. and other employment protection laws in the UK? Sippitt: Clearly, there is a commonality of purpose. There is a clear distinction in respect to various laws that we...

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Due Diligence In The UK - Some Key Labor Issues

Corporate and financial considerations can dominate the process of acquiring a business, and there are usually time pressures which mean enquiries are not as thorough as they should be. Whether the business is acquiring shares, assets, goodwill, or winning or taking over a contract, detailed...

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Labour Strategies For The UK

Know Your Market Assuming that US strategies will translate to the UK is an error regularly encountered. The distinct history and legal regulation of employment relations in the UK holds numerous traps for the overseas investor, particularly in labour intensive industries with a history of...

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