
Law Technology Digest

Say it isn't so! - Law Technology Digest

I don't get upset often, but Bob Ambrogi's post this morning hit me like a ton of bricks. It seemed as if it was just a short while ago that I talked with Monica Bay and now she is gone. I would tell her about my life and my kids and she'd tell me how she loved her place in Connecticut, loved the view of the lake, but hated all the bugs and joking said it makes her want to go get an apartment in a high-rise. Even while battling her various issues, her spirit would manage to shine though. I'm not sure exactly when I first came into contact with Mon other than, based on my rolodex notes, it predated my role at PinHawk. But when I took over as editor of the Law Technology Digest from Curt Meltzer, that's when I really got onto Monica's radar and our friendship deepened. I know Monica was an avid reader because she would email me often. A highlight of one of her posts, a particularly funny or sarcastic edition title, a thought she agreed or disagreed with, anything that struck her fancy and she would drop me a note. If I failed to properly capitalize "Law Technology News" (it has gone through several stylizations over the years) she let me know. She was always an encouraging and thoughtful person and there was no question that she "reigned supreme over the world of legal technology" for nearly twenty years. Bob is spot on when we writes, "As a dear friend, trusted mentor, and inspirational role model to so many in the world of legal tech, Monica stood alone." A more gracious, vibrant and insightful AND opinionated person I'm not sure I have ever met. The world is truly a darker place today, with Monica's candle gone out. Read more at LawSites: I Am Deeply Saddened To Report The Death Of Monica Bay: Friend, Mentor and Role Model to So Many in Legal Tech

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