
50 Women to Watch

50 Women to Watch: Kyra Laursen

Kyra Laursen, Director, Legal Talent Office - DE&I and Talent Development, Sullivan & Cromwell

Kyra leads Sullivan & Cromwell’s (“S&C”) Diversity Management Department and works directly with the firm’s senior leaders to ensure the firm takes a holistic approach in executing its initiatives. The advancement, support and growth of historically underrepresented individuals has been one of Kyra’s core tenets throughout her nearly 20-year career at elite law firms and top corporations. Kyra has broad experience across talent management and core business functions, including recruiting, professional development and training, human resources, business development and community outreach. She also is a Certified Lawyer Coach through Volta Talent Strategies.

What is your proudest achievement?

I am proud to have served as a mentor for dozens of lawyers and professional staff at my firm and from my alma mater, Barnard. I love watching my mentees thrive in their careers and am always happy to support them wherever I can. I am also proud that my husband and I are raising our young son to be thoughtful and caring towards others.

What is the most influential piece of advice (professional or personal) you have received?

Create your own success team and find your community that will uplift you.

Where do you see the legal profession in 10+ years?

I hope that we continue to see lawyers leveraging their skills to help underserved communities and effect positive change. I also think that law firm leaders increasingly are expected to be not only skilled practitioners but also display high levels of emotional intelligence and empathy to continue to attract and retain top talent.

What is/are your favorite extracurricular activity/activities?

I love to cook, and I started a Dinner Club more than 15 years ago with friends. It’s been incredible to bring along our partners and children over the years to participate in Dinner Club.

What is one thing people should know about you but don't?

used to be a theatre techie.

Name your hometown/where you were born/where you grew up and where you live now.

I’m a Jersey Girl for life!

If you were not a legal professional, what other line of work would you pursue?

Keeping in line with my personal and professional values, I would still be involved with work related to social justice and community building.

Anything else you would like to share?

I started at my current firm in an entry-level position. It has been deeply fulfilling and rewarding to work at an organization filled with mentors and champions who have encouraged and supported me every step of the way.

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